
آموزش TTC

Teacher education or teacher training refers to the policies, procedures, and provision designed to equip (prospective) teachers with the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and skills they require to perform their tasks effectively in the classroom, school, and wider community. The professionals who engage in this activity are called teacher educators (or, in some contexts, teacher trainers). There is a longstanding and ongoing debate about the most appropriate term to describe these activities. T...

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Teacher education or teacher training refers to the policies, procedures, and provision designed to equip (prospective) teachers with the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and skills they require to perform their tasks effectively in the classroom, school, and wider community. The professionals who engage in this activity are called teacher educators (or, in some contexts, teacher trainers). There is a longstanding and ongoing debate about the most appropriate term to describe these activities. The term 'teacher training' (which may give the impression that the activity involves training staff to undertake relatively routine tasks) seems to be losing ground, at least in the U.S., to 'teacher education' (with its connotation of preparing staff for a professional role as a reflective practitioner). There is a longstanding and ongoing debate about the most appropriate term to describe these activities. The term 'teacher training' (which may give the impression that the activity involves training staff to undertake relatively routine tasks) seems to be losing ground, at least in the U.S., to 'teacher education' (with its connotation of preparing staff for a professional role as a reflective practitioner).

برگزارکننده: مرکز آموزش مجازی پارس
ثبت نام و افزودن گواهینامه ها

سرفصل بسته ی آموزشی

به دلیل تطابق با دانش به روز و مورد تایید استانداردهای جهانی، امکان بروز رسانی و تغییر سرفصل ها وجود دارد.

Teacher education    

  • Curriculum    
  • Supervised field experiences    
  • Induction of beginning teachers    
  • Continuous professional development    
  • Teacher educators' fields of knowledge    
  • Multiple identities    
  • Modelling    
  • Meta-reflection    
  • The Value of Education    
  • History    
  • Formal education    
  • Preschool    
  • Primary school    
  • Secondary    
  • Tertiary (higher)    
  • Vocational    
  • Special    
  • Other educational forms    
  • Alternative    
  • Indigenous    
  • Informal learning    
  • Self-directed learning    
  • Education sector    
  • Development goals    
  • Education and technology in developing countries    
  • Private vs public funding in developing countries    
  • Educational psychology    
  • The intelligence–education relationship    
  • Learning modalities    
  • Mind, Brain and Education    
  • Philosophy    
  • Purpose of education    
  • Curriculum    
  • Instruction    
  • Economics of education    
  • The future of education    


  • Teacher education    
  • Early development    
  • Late th- and early th-century developments    
  • Organization of teacher education in the th century    
  • Issues And Problems In Teacher Education    
  • General education    
  • The study of educational principles    
  • Practical training    
  • Appointment Procedures And Probationary Requirements    
  • In-Service Training    
  • Future Developments In Teacher Education    
  • Education In Primitive And Early Civilized Cultures    
  • Social and occupational status    
  • Stereotype of the teacher    
  • Building the profession in a new country    
  • The teaching profession in Russia    
  • Functions And Roles Of Teachers    
  • Agent of social change    
  • Role in curricular design    
  • Extramural activities of teachers    
  • Scholarship and the profession    
  • The Career Of The Teacher    
  • The professionalization of teaching    
  • Educational associations and teachers’ unions    
  • Professional associations    
  • Teachers’ unions and teachers’ associations    


  • Methodology in Language Teaching    
  • Teacher education    
  • Approaches of teaching    
  • Methods of teaching Life Skills    
  • . Discussion    
  • . Debate    
  • Role Plays    
  • . Story telling    
  • . Songs and Dances    
  • . Brainstorming    
  • . Case Studies    
  • Advantages of case study    
  • . Miming    
  • Poetry and Recitals.    
  • . Question and Answer Method    
  • Other teaching methods    
  • Teacher-Centered Approach to Learning    
  • Student-Centered Approach to Learning    
  • High Tech Approach to Learning    
  • Low Tech Approach to Learning    
  • Direct method (education)    
  • Definition    
  • Aims    
  • Techniques    
  • Merits    
  • Demerits    
  • Principles    
  • Pedagogy    
  • Historical context    
  • Grammar–translation method    
  • History and philosophy    
  • Principles and goals    
  • Method    
  • Materials    
  • Reception    
  • Influence    
  • Audio-lingual method    
  • Oral drills    
  • Historical roots    
  • Fall from popularity    
  • In popular culture    
  • Main features    
  • Techniques    
  • Advantages    
  • Disadvantages    
  • Suggestopedia    
  • Teachers    
  • Method for children (preventive Suggestopedia)    
  • Side effects    
  • Later variations    
  • Communicative language teaching (CLT)    
  • The Silent Way    
  • Community Language Learning    
  • Immersion    
  • Task-based language learning    
  • The Natural Approach    
  • The Lexical Syllabus    


  • Teacher-Centered Methods of Instruction    
  • Direct Instruction (Low Tech)    
  • Flipped Classrooms (High Tech)    
  • Kinesthetic Learning (Low Tech)    
  • Student-Centered Methods of Instruction    
  • Differentiated Instruction (Low Tech)    
  • Inquiry-based Learning (High Tech)    
  • Expeditionary Learning (High Tech)    
  • Personalized Learning (High Tech)    
  • Game-based Learning (High Tech)    
  • Methods of instruction    
  • Lecturing    
  • Demonstrating    
  • Collaborating    
  • Classroom discussion    
  • Debriefing    
  • Classroom Action Research    
  • Evolution of teaching methods    
  • Medieval education    
  • Understanding VARK    
  • Swot Strategies    
  • Visual SWOT Strategies    
  • Aural SWOT Strategies    
  • Read/Write SWOT Strategies    
  • Kinesthetic SWOT Strategies    
۷ روز هفته ۲۴ ساعته پاسخگوی شما هستیم.